G U R U voice assistant With face recognition OpenCV

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Guru Assistants

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Apr 16, 2022

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Guru is a virtual voice assistant that is created in python. It stands for Graphical User Responding Unit. It can carry out all tasks that you need to perform manually on your system. It is fully automated and contains various advance feature that other A.I. virtual Assistants. It is surely 100% advanced than assistant of professional company.

It can be used for various task like opening any programs, software, etc. it is using speech recognition to understand and process the language spoken by the user. It has a Chabot, that help it to talk to the user just like a friend. It is also containing machine learning and deep learning features like color recognition, face recognition, image recognition, gesture recognition, motion recognition, emotion detection.

The source code has different python files for all these machine learning and deep learning project that are link to the main assistant, therefore the assistant can control all these feature just by executing voice commands. It has some external folder that is containing the data directly or indirectly related to Guru. You need to install the modules needed by guru.

It has machine learning and deep learning features like:
Face recognition- whenever guru meet with an unknown user, it ask about his/her name. Then click a image of the user and save it in its directory, so when he next time meet the same person, it reply with its his/her name.
Emotion Detection-Guru can recognize four emotions happy, sad, angry, surprise it capture the image of the user and further recognize the emotions.
Motion Detection-Guru uses motion detection for 2 tasks for Sleep detection and for security camera. You just tell guru that I am going to sleep, after that when you will wake up, from that motion guru will wish you or ask for help. Secondly for security camera, when you go outside guru can guard your house and If found any motion it will ring all alarms.
Gesture recognition- Guru uses this for activating virtual mouse etc.

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