QR Code generator with logo

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Apr 15, 2020

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Introducing our groundbreaking software source code product, designed to revolutionize the way you create and generate QR-Codes. Our product is a powerful tool that allows you to easily and quickly generate QR-Codes for your business needs. Whether you want to promote your brand or share important information with your customers, our software product will provide you with everything you need to do so.

Our software source code product offers a unique value proposition that sets it apart from other QR-Code generators on the market. With the ability to insert text of up to 1000 characters and the option to include a logo, our product is versatile and customizable to suit your needs. In addition, our product is easy to use, making it accessible to both technical and non-technical users.

Our product is packed with features that make it an indispensable tool for businesses of all sizes. One such feature is the ability to insert a logo into your QR-Code. This feature allows you to promote your brand and make your QR-Codes instantly recognizable to your customers. Our product also supports the latest web browsers and php 5x, ensuring that it is compatible with a wide range of systems.

To use our software source code product, you simply need to install XAMP or WAMP and open the latest web browser. Then, insert the text that you want to generate for your QR-Code and select whether you want to include a logo. Once you click on the generate button, our product will create and display the QR-Code. You can then download the QR-Code and use it as needed.

In summary, our software source code product is a game-changer for businesses looking to generate QR-Codes quickly and efficiently. With its powerful features and easy-to-use interface, our product is sure to become an indispensable tool for your business needs. Try our product today and experience the power of QR-Code generation like never before. You can also put the logo (.png  only) if you want.its a optional Requirement :      ---- XAMP / WAMP  --- latest web browser --- php 5x PROCESS   : -- Insert the text which you want to generate for QR-Code -- select logo (.png only ) optional--Click on the generate button.--Output QR-Code is generated and you can also download it. DEMO URL : http://luckyprasad.in/myqr/

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  • 📁 QR Code generator with logo

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